PTA and FIA Launch Expedited Process to Combat Blasphemous Content Online

PTA and FIA Launch Expedited Process to Combat Blasphemous Content Online

PTA and FIA Launch Expedited Process to Combat Blasphemous Content Online

PTA and FIA Launch Expedited Process to Combat Blasphemous Content Online 1005 560 D. I. Khan New City

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the Federal Investigation Agency Cyber Crimes Wing (FIA-Cyber Crimes)

have implemented a fast-track system to address blasphemous content on the internet.

According to a public notice from PTA, specialized blasphemy units have been established within FIA cyber-crimes police stations across the country. These units are responsible for promptly managing cases referred by PTA, using advanced technology to identify and apprehend individuals responsible for sharing blasphemous material. The agency noted that offensive content targeting religious figures, holy texts, and national symbols is being disseminated in a coordinated manner, allegedly as part of a larger conspiracy to destabilize the country and incite civil unrest. PTA underscored the grave implications of such activities, which are prohibited under Pakistani law.

PTA urged parents to closely monitor their children’s online activities, warning that young people might unknowingly become involved in blasphemy. The agency advised parents to ensure their children are not engaging in or spreading such content, which could result in severe legal consequences.

PTA also highlighted the collective responsibility of scholars, lawyers, educators, and society as a whole to raise awareness about the seriousness of blasphemy.