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Hajj 2024



Billions of our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world have been undertaking Hajj each year since 629 CE following the migration of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Medina to Makkah. For anyone preparing to go, it’s an incredibly exciting time but of course a deeply spiritual, serious and important period of our lives. This handy Hajj guide will help you understand the different aspects of the holy pilgrimage.

Step-by-step Hajj Guide

Subhan Allah, each and every year around 25,000 Muslims from Ireland travel to the holy cities of Makkah and Medina to perform Hajj, in unity with Muslims from all over the globe. So if you’re one of these next pilgrims heading off to Saudi Arabia to fulfil this sacred pillar, read on! We’ve put together this handy Hajj guide to help you through this blessed journey!

What are the steps of Hajj?

  1. Preparation and Intention
  2. Enter state of Ihram
  3. Tawaf x7
  4. Safa and Marwa
  5. Clip/Shave Hair (Umrah ends)
  6. Resting and Praying
  7. Enter state of Ihram
  8. Arrive at Mina
  9. Day of Arafah
  10. Muzdalifah (under the night sky)
  11. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  12. Qurbani
  13. Shave Head
  14. Tawaf al-Ifadha
  15. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  16. Spend night at Mina
  17. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  18. Farewell Tawaf al-Wida

When can I perform Hajj?

In Islam, as we work with a lunar calendar (as opposed to the Gregorian calendar), the specific dates for Hajj vary each year. Within the Islamic calendar, Hajj is performed between 8th to 12th of Dhul Hijjah – the last month of the Islamic year.

These days Hajj pilgrims travel to Makkah by air, sea, and land during the days and weeks prior to the pilgrimage period. If you’re traveling from Ireland you are likely to fly to Saudi Arabia, touching down into Jeddah or Medina. From there you will travel with your Hajj group to Makkah.

How do I perform Hajj?

There are three forms of Hajj: Tamattu, Ifraad and Qiran. For the purpose of this Hajj guide, we will use the Tamattu form of Hajj, which is what the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encouraged his followers to perform.

Before you arrive at Makkah to start Hajj, it’s important to make your intention (niyah) within your heart. The intention must be to perform the Hajj for the sake of Allah alone, with a desire for the Hereafter. It should not be done with the intention of being seen among others or for worldly gain.

Next, you’ll enter into the state of ihram (ritual purity). For men, this means wearing the designated white cloth with one piece wrapped around your shoulder and one around your waist. Ladies can wear any clothing of their choice but should ensure they observe the rules of hijab. Face coverings, however, are not permitted. Fully-covering shoes are also not permitted. Footwear must be in the form of sandals for both men and women.

In Ihram designated white cloth

Ihram is the spiritual state you enter once you have made the intention to go to Hajj. When over three million pilgrims descend into Makkah, there should not be any outwardly distinction between pilgrims. Everyone stands equal in the eyes of Allah (SWT), whether you’re rich or poor and irrespective of ethnicity. Hence, the rules around the clothing of Ihram are extremely simple, yet strict and must be adhered to.

Throughout these holy days, we should also be particularly mindful of our behaviour and words. We should avoid smoking, engaging in sexual relations, swearing, shaving our hair and cutting our nails. We must also not use perfume or scented soaps.

Once you arrive at the holy Masjid al-Haram, in Makkah, you’re then ready to start the biggest spiritual journey of your life!

Tip: Carry a spare set of ihram if you can. As for sandals, I recommend investing in a decent pair of trekking sandals. They tend to be the most comfortable and practical, given that you will be walking long distances on tarmac as well as gravel. Try to get used to your sandals before you depart for Saudi so that you don’t break out in blisters or face discomfort once there.

how do i perform hajj 2024, Must Have Hajj Dua List


On arrival in Makkah, you will first perform your umrah, which means you will do your tawaf and sa’i.


Tawaf is one of the principal rites of the pilgrimage and refers to walking in circles around the Ka’bah in an anti-clockwise motion. One tawaf is made up of seven complete circuits, with each one starting and ending at the black stone.

In addition to your tawaf, you can also offer voluntary prayers to thank Allah (SWT) for arriving safely and to mark the start of this incredibly special spiritual journey.

Praying in front of the Ka’bah (Makkah)

Muslims pray at the Kabbah during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in their holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Safa and Marwa

After you’ve performed your tawaf, you’ll then perform what’s known as sa’i – walking and running between the two hills of Safa and Marwa. You’ll begin the sa’i on Safa and walk towards Marwa until you see the green marker at which point you will run until the next green marker, and continue walking till you reach Marwa. This completes one lap. You will then return to Safa to complete your second lap. Your sa’i is complete once you have performed a total of seven laps between Safa and Marwa.

This is an important ritual in memory of Prophet Ibrahim’s wife Hajar (AS) and her struggle in the desert in search of water for her son Prophet Ismail (AS). Sa’i symbolises the ongoing struggle that we encounter throughout our lives, as Hajar (AS) experienced herself.

Once sa’i is complete, men will have their hair clipped or shaved whilst a woman clips her hair to the length of her fingertip. This marks the completion of your umrah, allowing you to leave ihram, until the 8th of Dhul Hijjah.

Tip: Be very patient here. You’ll be tired from tawaf and you might notice fellow pilgrims in a hurry to complete the sa’i. Feel free to take your time. Take regular breaks, and drink zam zam water – available between Safa and Marwa.

Day 1 : 8th Dhul Hijjah

The 8th day of Dhul Hijjah marks the beginning of the days of Hajj and the next stage of your spiritual journey. You’ll purify yourself and enter the state of ihram once again.

It’s very important to note that you are in a state of ihram and you are not permitted to smoke, swear, shave, clip your nails, or engage in any form of sexual relations. Fighting and arguments are also banned, and participants are prohibited from hunting, killing or unjustifiably breaking anything. You must also avoid scented products such as perfumes, moisturisers, makeup or soaps. You may, however, substitute them for unscented toiletries which are permissible to use.

Once you’re all set, you’ll begin reciting the following invocation called the talbiyah:

لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَشَرِيْكَ لَكَ

Labbayka Allāhumma labbayk. Labbayk lā shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-ḥamda, wa n-‘imata, Laka wal mulk. Lā shareeka lak.

“Here I am, O Allah, here I am, here I am. You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty. You have no partner.”

You will then proceed with your Hajj group to the tent city of Mina, which lies roughly eight kilometers away from Makkah.

The valley of Mina, also known as “the city of tents”

Tip: I would highly recommend carrying some essentials such as unscented sun cream, moisturiser, Vaseline and soap. Sun cream is particularly handy, especially if you have no hair like me, as it is not permissible to cover your head or face whilst in ihram. Vaseline is also particularly valuable for men to protect you from painful rashes developing as a result of constant walking. All of these are readily available in Saudi Arabia.


Once you arrive into Mina you’ll settle into your tent. Here you’ll pray dhuhr, asr, maghrib, isha and fajr, shortening your four unit prayers to two units each, without combining them, as stated in the Quran.

Spend the night and pray to Allah (SWT), read the Qur’an and prepare for day two. It’s an important time for spiritual reflection and devotion, so try and make the most of this special night.

Tip: Be patient here, as space inside tents can be very tight, and you might find yourself very close to fellow pilgrims. The weather is likely to be very hot, so remember to keep yourself hydrated. The Saudi authorities have installed cold water stations in close proximity to all tents, so familiarise yourself with your surroundings. You may also notice that Hajj authority workers regularly stock up complementary cold drinks in cooler boxes next to your tent. They’re there for you to consume, so enjoy them to quench your thirst, but don’t forget the spiritual purpose of being there.

Day 2 : 9th Dhul Hijjah

Now that you’ve performed umrah, for the rest of this blessed month, you’ll stay in Makkah to complete your spiritual journey of Hajj surrounded by your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, SubhanAllah!

Performing Hajj:

Fulfilling your sacred obligation of Hajj will be the most spiritual period of your life insha’Allah, filled with blessings and forgiveness from Allah (SWT)!


Gathering on Mount Arafah

After praying fajr salat in Mina, you’ll then head to the plains of Arafah, reciting istaghfar [asking for forgiveness] and making supplications, marking the Day of Arafah when we ask Allah (SWT) for forgiveness for our sins. Upon reaching the plains of Mount Arafah, pilgrims observe dhuhr and asr prayers combined and shortened (two rakat instead of four).

On this day there, will be a sermon delivered from Masjid al-Nimra on Mount Arafah. Remember to listen to the khutbah if possible. Your group may also facilitate a translation of this sermon in English.

The day of Arafah is one of the most important days for Muslims, as Allah (SWT), in Surah al-Maidah of the Holy Qur’an, refers to the Day of Arafah as the Day on which He perfected His religion, completed His favours upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and approved Islam as a way of life!

The Prophet (SAW) also said:

“There is no day on which Allah frees people from the Fire more so than on the day of ‘Arafah. He comes close to those (people standing on ‘Arafah), and then He reveals before His Angels saying, ‘What are these people seeking.” (Muslim)

So, be sure to stand on the plains of Arafah and make lots of du’a, focussing your energy on Allah (SWT), asking Him for forgiveness and blessings for you and your family. Don’t forget to include your friends, relatives, neighbours as well as the wider Ummah in your du’a on this special day.

Tip: Don’t be tempted to exhaust your energy and trek up Mount Arafah, also known as Jabal al-Rahmah, on this day. Jabal al-Rahmah is the hill from where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered his sermon. There is no authentic source to suggest any benefit in trekking the hill itself or to undertake this climb as a religious ritual. The level area surrounding the hill is called the Plains of Arafah and this is where you should be spending your time in contemplation and prayer.


After sunset, you’ll depart Arafah and head to Muzdalifah – an open plain between Mina and Arafat. Once you reach Muzdalifah you’ll perform your maghrib and isha salah, one after the other, shortening isha salah to two rakat.

As Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) narrates:

“The Prophet (SAW) offered the maghrib and isha prayers together at Muzdalifa with a separate iqama for each of them and did not offer any optional prayer in between them or after each of them.” (Bukhari)

Afterwards, you can then spend the night in worship or resting. The Prophet (SAW) went to sleep until shortly before fajr, choosing not to engage in night worship as he normally did. So, don’t be tempted to exhaust yourself but rest instead – you have a long day ahead of you!

While in Muzdalifah, you may also collect pebbles to perform rami [the stoning of the devil] over the next three days. The size of the pebbles should be similar to the size of date stones/seeds. You will need a total of 49 pebbles. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 7 for the 10th of Dhul Hijjah
  • 21 for the 11th of Dhul Hijjah
  • 21 for the 12th of Dhul Hijjah

However, it is advised that you pick up a further 21 pebbles as a precautionary measure to bring your total up to 70. When you proceed to the phases of throwing the pebbles at the Jamarat, you may miss the target or some pebbles may fall from your hand. Therefore, it’s better to have more than to be short. Pebbles can also be collected from anywhere in Mina.

Tip: At Muzdalifah, you will stay under the night sky. There are no tents or other accommodation facilities here. Although there are plenty of lights, it is still fairly dark. Try to stay near your group, as it is very easy to get lost amongst thousands of pilgrims. If you are a woman, ensure you stay with your husband/mahram and do not wander off on your own. Toilets and wudhu facilities are available in Muzdalifah, but they will be crowded so patience must be exercised here. I would highly recommend you to use the toilets and freshen up before you leave Arafah.

Try to carry four small pouches per person for your pebbles. I found that UK coin bags were a good size and convenient to carry. Use the four pouches to group pebbles according to the breakdown above.

Day 3 : 10th Dhul Hijjah (start of Eid al-Adha)

After performing fajr salah you will depart Muzdalifah to go towards Mina. Remember to continuously recite the talbiyah.

The 10th of Dhul Hijjah is called the Yawm al-Nahr, or the Day of Sacrifice. For pilgrims of Hajj, this is the day of pelting pebbles at one of the Jamarat, as well as sacrificing an animal. For the rest of the Muslims around the world, this is the day of Eid.

The Rami (Stoning of the Devil)

Pilgrims heading to perform ”Rami”

Stoning of the Jamara  sometimes referred to as the “Stoning of the Devil”  is a ritual carried out by Hajj pilgrims whereby pebbles are thrown at three stone structures in Mina. The act of throwing stones at the Jamarat is known as “Rami”. The ritual of Rami is symbolic of the actions of Ibrahim (AS) when he was faced with the trial of having to sacrifice his son, Ismail (AS) upon the commandment of Allah (SWT).

On the way to carry out the commandment, Shaytan repeatedly tried to change Ibrahim’s mind. As Ibrahim reached Jamarat al-Aqaba, he was instructed by Angel Jibreel to throw seven stones at Shaytan. He obliged and Shaytan fled immediately. The three Jamarat indicate the three places where Shaytan tried to dissuade Ibrahim from obeying the command of Allah. However, the pillars do not contain or hold Shaytan, as many people are led to believe.

Once you reach Jamarat, you will head to Jamarat al-Aqaba, which is the big pillar, and here you will throw the first seven pebbles at the concrete pillar. As you throw the pebbles you’ll say the takbir اللهُ أَكْبَرُ (Allāhu ‘Akbar): “Allah is The Greatest” upon each throw.

Tip: Don’t rush to perform the Rami. The timeframe to complete your Rami is from fajr on the 10th, until fajr on the 11th, so don’t worry if you’re not able to do it in the early part of the day. The Hajj authority will, most likely, allocate a set time for your group to go and perform Rami. They do this to minimise overcrowding and the risk to pilgrims.

What’s more, try not to get angry and throw your sandals or other valuable possessions at the pillars. There is no Shaytan behind the pillar, so you’ll only lose your valuables and there is no benefit in doing so!

One of the pillars for stoning in Jamarat

Following the sacrifice, you will proceed to shave or trim your hair if you are male.  The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shaved his hair and this is preferable. A woman trims her hair by the length of a fingertip.

Now you are allowed to leave the state of ihram and wear comfortable clothing. You are also allowed to everything that was unlawful during your state of ihram, except engaging in sexual intimacy. It is sunnah to apply perfume as the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) smelt strongly of musk at this point.

Tip: Use disposable blades to shave each other’s head within your group. If that’s not possible, you’ll notice a number of barbers in Mina ready to shave your head for a price. Ensure that the barbers use new blades to avoid infection.

Tawaf al-ifadha

You will now go to Makkah to perform tawaf al-ifadha and sa’i as part of your Hajj rituals.

Tawaf al-ifada and sa’i are obligatory. You must perform them after the rami, sacrifice and shaving (or trimming) of the head. This tawaf and sa’i can be done between the 10th and 12th Dhul Hijjah.

With the completion of this tawaf and sa’i, you are then allowed to relax and do everything that was lawful before ihram, including engaging in marital relations. You will, however, return to your tents in Mina and continue with the remaining rituals of Hajj.

Tip: The tawaf area will be extremely crowded during this time. Try to use the upper levels of the Haram or the roof. You might want to do this around midnight when it tends to be quieter.

Please note: The above should, ideally, be done in the above order if possible, but there is no penalty if one precedes another.

Pilgrims performing tawaf around the Ka’bah

Eid al-Adha

The festival of Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, is celebrated by Muslims who are not on pilgrimage by slaughtering animals to mark Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail (AS) upon the command of Allah (SWT).

Days 4 and 5 : 11th and 12th Dhul Hijjah

These days are known as “Ayyam al-tashreeq”, or the days of drying meat. During the time of the Prophet (SAW), pilgrims would preserve the Qurbani meat by seasoning and drying them under the sun to prevent the meat from rotting. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“The days of tashreeq are the days of eating and drinking.” (Muslim)

You are required to stay in Mina and complete two more rami rituals on 11th and 12th Dhul Hijjah. On the afternoon of 11th Dhul Hijjah, you’ll have your 21 pebbles ready and proceed to stone the three Jamarat.

You will begin with Jamarah al-Ula (the small pillar), then Jamarah al-Wusta (the middle pillar) and finally, Jamarah al-Aqaba (the big pillar). Each one should be stoned with seven consecutive pebbles accompanied by takbeer. You will stop after the first and middle Jamrat to make du’a facing the qibla. Remember to take your spare pebbles with you in case you lose some! Once this is completed, you will return to your camp in Mina and spend the rest of the day in worship, making the most of the remaining time you have.

You will then repeat the same for the following day and stone the three Jamrat.

By this point, all your rites of Hajj should have been performed, and you should be ready to depart to Makkah. Depending on your Hajj group, you may have a few rest days in Makkah, or you may depart. In any case, before you depart Makkah you must perform the farewell tawaf.

Tawaf al-wida (the farewell tawaf)

The farewell tawaf is the last rite performed before departing from Makkah. It is wajib (obligatory) and must be performed prior to leaving the boundaries of the Haram. Omitting this tawaf, without a valid reason, is not deemed lawful in Islam. Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated:

“The people were ordered to perform the tawaf al-wida as the last thing before leaving (Makkah), except the menstruating women who were excused. “ (Bukhari)

For this tawaf, you will complete the seven laps of tawaf, perform two rakat of salah and drink zam zam water. There is no sa’i or shaving/trimming of the head after this tawaf.

Hajj Mabrook! You’ve now completed your Hajj!

For those of us unable to travel and perform Hajj, don’t lose hope! The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are often referred to as the best ten days of the year, and a second chance to earn the mercy and forgiveness of Allah (SWT) after Ramadan.

For those of us who haven’t been able to go to Hajj this year, we should use this blessed time to complete even more righteous deeds than usual. These can include anything such as giving charity, honouring one’s parents, upholding the ties of kinship, and enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. It is also important to enhance our obligatory acts of worship by being mindful of our prayers and ensuring we pay our zakat on time. For those of us who have not yet completed the pilgrimage of Hajj, this is also an ideal time to make du’a that Allah (SWT) grants us the opportunity to do so soon.

Our Prophet (SAW) said:

“There are no days that are greater before Allah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him, than these ten days, so recite a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them.”  (Ahmad)

Fasting and remembrance are particularly recommended.

We can also still offer a sacred sacrifice in remembrance of the struggle and dedication of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Allah (SWT) and support a family in need.

Give your Zakat and Sadaqah during the blessed days of Dhul Hijjah and reap the rewards of this blessed month. Don’t forget though to give your Qurbani in time for Eid!

Exploring Mardan KPK

Exploring Mardan KPK

Exploring Mardan KPK 1280 720 D. I. Khan New City

Mardan, a historic city in KPK, Pakistan, is located 50 kilometers from Peshawar. Renowned for its booming industrial sector, Mardan has seen significant growth, particularly in oil, agriculture, textiles, and cigarette manufacturing. The city also boasts a rich cultural heritage and history.


Ethnicity: Predominantly Pashtun, with Punjabi and other communities.

Language: Primarily Pashto; Urdu and English are also spoken.

Religion: Mainly Sunni Muslim, with Shia and other minorities.

Age Group: Diverse, with a significant youth population.

Occupation: Agriculture-based, with growing industries and services.

Historical Significance

Mardan was once a key location on the ancient Silk Road, leaving behind landmarks like the Takht-i-Bahi ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and several Buddhist stupas.

Post-Independence Development

Since 1947, Mardan has evolved, welcoming refugees and seeing demographic shifts. Key developments include infrastructure, healthcare, education, and the establishment of Abdul Wali Khan University. The economy is bolstered by agriculture and small-scale industries, despite challenges like political instability and natural disasters.

Industrial Growth

Mardan’s industrial sector is diverse and expanding:

Textile Industry: Numerous mills and manufacturing units produce textiles, benefiting from local cotton cultivation.

Food Processing: Leveraging agricultural resources for processed food production, including flour mills and dairy plants.

Construction Materials: Brick kilns, cement factories, and stone crushing units support local infrastructure needs.

Small-Scale Industries: Metalworking, woodworking, plastic molding, and handicrafts provide significant employment.


Mardan experiences hot, dry summers (May to September) with temperatures over 40°C, and cooler winters (November to February) with lows around 5°C. Spring and autumn offer mild, pleasant weather.


Takht-i-Bahi: Ancient Buddhist monastery ruins.

Swabi River: Scenic river for leisurely walks and picnics.

Katlang: Lush green fields and orchards.

Khazana Dam: Scenic reservoir for boating and picnics.

Shahbaz Garhi: Archaeological site with Buddhist stupas.

Mardan Museum: Showcasing the region’s cultural and archaeological heritage.

Gumbat Stupa: Historical Buddhist monument.


Mardan has several hospitals and medical facilities, including:

  • Mardan Medical Complex
  • District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital
  • Mardan Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Mardan Welfare Hospital
  • Al-Rahim Medical Complex
  • Shah Memorial Hospital


Mardan offers diverse lodging options:

Taj Mahal Hotel

The Grand Hotel Mardan

Swat Continental Hotel

Al Syed Hotel and Restaurant

City Palace Hotel

Rehman Baba Hotel

Getting to Mardan

By Road

Mardan is well-connected to major cities in Pakistan via the national highway network. It is accessible by private car, taxi, or intercity bus, offering scenic countryside views along the journey.

By Rail

Pakistan Railways provides train services to Mardan from cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Peshawar. The centrally located Mardan Railway Station serves as a key hub.

By Air

While Mardan lacks its own airport, Bacha Khan International Airport in Peshawar, about 45 kilometers away, is the nearest option. From there, taxis or private cars can reach Mardan in around an hour.

Local Transportation

Once in Mardan, visitors can use taxis, rickshaws, and buses to explore the city. The well-developed road network facilitates easy travel within the city and its surroundings.


Mardan is a city of rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty. From ancient sites like Takht-i-Bahi to the serene Swabi River, it offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity.


  1. Population: Approximately 0.8 million.
  2. Weather: Hot summers, cool winters, mild spring and autumn.
  3. Main Attractions: Takht-i-Bahi, Swabi River, Khazana Dam.
  4. Access: By road, rail, and air (via Peshawar).
  5. Accommodation: Various options available, from budget to upscale.
  6. Local Cuisine: Known for Pashtun dishes like chapli kebabs and pulao.
New Picnic Spot Approved in D.I. Khan (dera ismail khan)

New Picnic Spot Approved in D.I. Khan

New Picnic Spot Approved in D.I. Khan 2560 1707 D. I. Khan New City

In a significant move towards enhancing recreational spaces, Mansoor Arshad, CEO of Water and Sanitation Services Company (WSSC), has unveiled plans for a new picnic spot along the scenic banks of the river Sindh in D.I. Khan.


During a recent private meeting, key stakeholders including Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance, Syed Gulfam Abbas Shah, Assistant Manager Madam Kamila, and representatives from various departments came together to give their nod of approval for this transformative project. With collaborative efforts between WSSC and TMA, the final stages of the project have been confirmed.


Mansoor Arshad emphasized that this initiative aims to uplift the living standards of D.I. Khan residents and enhance the city’s infrastructure. Furthermore, discussions during the meeting shed light on WSSC’s ongoing efforts to address solid waste management in the city’s markets, highlighting a commitment to sustainable practices.


Join us in welcoming this exciting development and stay tuned for further updates on the progress of this project. Together, let’s shape a brighter future for D.I. Khan.

list of dams in pakistan

Discovering Pakistan’s Remarkable Dams: A Comprehensive Guide

Discovering Pakistan’s Remarkable Dams: A Comprehensive Guide 980 551 D. I. Khan New City

Pakistan, a land of breathtaking landscapes and abundant natural resources, boasts around 150 dams across its provinces. These engineering marvels not only serve as vital sources of electricity and water supply but also offer scenic getaways for locals and tourists alike.

Tarbela Dam

Location: Haripur

Impounds: Indus River

Height: 143.26 meters (470.0 feet)

Year of Completion: 1974


Situated near Swabi, Tarbela Dam stands as the world’s largest earth-filled dam. Constructed on the mighty Indus River, it was designed primarily for irrigation and power generation. With its impressive storage capacity and 17 dedicated water turbines, Tarbela contributes significantly to Pakistan’s hydroelectric power supply.

Tarbela Dam in pakistan

Rawal Dam

Location: Islamabad Capital Territory

Impounds: Korang River

Height: 40.7 meters (133.5 feet)

Year of Completion: 1962


Rawal Dam, nestled in the heart of Islamabad, serves as a vital water source for the twin cities. Beyond its functional role, it has emerged as a popular recreational spot, offering activities such as boating and fishing, making it a favorite destination for locals and tourists.

Rawal Dam

Diamer Bhasha Dam

Location: Gilgit Baltistan

Impounds: Indus River

Height: 272 meters (892 feet)

Status: Under Construction


Currently under construction, Diamer Bhasha Dam is poised to become the world’s highest dam upon completion. With its ambitious power generation capacity and vast water storage capabilities, it holds immense potential to bolster Pakistan’s energy and agricultural sectors.

Diamer Bhasha Dam

Mangla Dam

Location: Mirpur District

Impounds: Jhelum River

Height: 138 meters (453 feet)

Year of Completion: 1967


Mangla Dam, a key player in the Indus Waters Treaty, stands as a testament to Pakistan’s engineering prowess. Originally built for irrigation and power generation, it continues to support regional agriculture and provide electricity to nearby areas.

Mangla Dam

Khanpur Dam

Location: Haripur

Impounds: Haro River

Height: 51 meters (167 feet)

Year of Completion: 1985


Built to supply drinking water to Islamabad and surrounding regions, Khanpur Dam has evolved into a popular tourist destination. Visitors flock to its picturesque surroundings for activities like cliff jumping and camping, making it an ideal getaway spot.

Khanpur Dam

Hub Dam

Location: Karachi district, Sindh

Impounds: Hub River

Year of Completion: 1981


Hub Dam, nestled between Sindh and Balochistan provinces, serves as a vital water reservoir for the region. Its tranquil surroundings attract visitors seeking relaxation and outdoor adventures, making it a favored destination for weekend getaways.

hub dam

Mirani Dam

Location: Kech district, Balochistan

Impounds: Dasht River

Height: 39 meters (127 feet)

Year of Completion: 2006


Commissioned to provide water for Gwadar city and surrounding areas, Mirani Dam plays a crucial role in agricultural development and water supply management. Its strategic location ensures a steady flow of clean drinking water to nearby towns throughout the year.

Mirani Dam

Warsak Dam

Location: Peshawar

Impounds: Kabul River

Year of Completion: 1960


A collaborative effort between Pakistan and Canada, Warsak Dam continues to be a vital source of hydroelectric power for the region. Plans for its rehabilitation and capacity expansion underscore its enduring importance in meeting Pakistan’s energy needs.

Warsak Dam

Gomal Zam Dam

Location: South Waziristan Agency, KPK

Impounds: Gomal River

Height: 133 meters (437 feet)

Year of Completion: 2011


Gomal Zam Dam, a significant milestone in Pakistan’s water management efforts, serves multiple purposes including irrigation, flood control, and power generation. Its construction represents a step towards sustainable development and economic growth in the region.

Gomal Zam Dam

Satpara Dam

Location: Skardu

Impounds: Satpara Stream

Height: 128 feet

Year of Completion: 2011


Satpara Dam, nestled amidst the scenic landscapes of Gilgit-Baltistan, serves as a lifeline for local communities by providing electricity, irrigation, and drinking water. Its efficient design and sustainable practices highlight its role in promoting environmental stewardship.

Satpara Dam

Neelum Jhelum Dam

Location: Azad Kashmir

Year of Operation: 2018

Capacity: 1040MW


The Neelum-Jhelum Dam harnesses water from the Neelum River, diverting it towards the Jhelum River. Operating since 2018, it has become a significant source of hydroelectric power in Azad Kashmir.

Neelum Jhelum Dam

Sabakzai Dam

Location: Balochistan

Year of Completion: 2007

Situated on the Zhob River in Balochistan, the Sabakzai Dam plays a crucial role in irrigating local lands since its completion in 2007. Inaugurated by Gen. Pervez Musharaf, it has also become a popular tourist destination.

Sabakzai Dam

Darawat Dam

Location: Jamshoro District, Sindh Province

Year of Inauguration: 2013

Storage Capacity: 150 million cubic meters


Constructed on the Nai Bran River, Darawat Dam significantly contributes to local irrigation needs. Inaugurated in 2013, it has also emerged as a picnic spot for residents of Hyderabad and Karachi.

Darawat Dam in pakistan

Namal Dam

Location: Namal Valley, Mianwali, Punjab

Year of Construction: 1913


The Namal Dam, constructed by British engineers in 1913, continues to provide effective irrigation to the surrounding agricultural plains. Despite its age, it remains functional and has become a habitat for migratory birds.

Namal Dam in pakistan

Gulpur Dam

Location: Poonch River near Gulpur

Year of Operation: February 2020

Capacity: 100MW

Operational since February 2020, the Gulpur Dam generates 100 MW of electricity. Constructed through a contract between Wapda and KOSEP, it plays a vital role in meeting the energy demands between Lahore and Islamabad.

Gulpur Dam

From the towering heights of Tarbela to the tranquil shores of Satpara, Pakistan’s dams stand as enduring symbols of resilience and progress. As the nation continues to harness the power of its water resources, these engineering marvels pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.


For more insights on Pakistan’s dams and water management initiatives, stay tuned for our upcoming articles.

Saudi Investors Expect to Invest $10 Billion in Pakistan

Saudi Investors Set to Infuse $10 Billion into Pakistan’s Economy

Saudi Investors Set to Infuse $10 Billion into Pakistan’s Economy 1920 1075 D. I. Khan New City

A significant economic boost is on the horizon for Pakistan as Saudi investors gear up to invest $10 billion in the country. This promising development comes as a delegation of approximately 30 companies from Saudi Arabia is expected to arrive today, with the aim of creating new job opportunities and fostering economic growth.


Federal Minister for Petroleum, Musadik Malik, has expressed confidence in this investment, emphasizing its importance in jumpstarting Pakistan’s developmental journey. He highlighted the Prime Minister’s vision for increased private sector involvement in driving the country’s progress.


This investment commitment follows Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal’s recent announcement at a Business Summit in Islamabad, where he hinted at Saudi Arabia’s potential $5 billion investment. Iqbal stressed the significance of boosting exports and attracting investments to meet Pakistan’s financial requirements, underlining the need for political stability to attract such investments.


Moreover, Iqbal painted an optimistic picture of Pakistan’s economic prospects, envisioning a $2 trillion economy by 2047 through sustained growth. He called for collective efforts towards achieving this ambitious goal and mentioned ongoing discussions concerning the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), along with investment negotiations with UAE, Kuwait, and Qatar.


This influx of Saudi investment is poised to fuel Pakistan’s economic growth and pave the way for a brighter future, aligning with the government’s efforts to attract foreign investment and promote economic stability and prosperity.

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government 700 400 D. I. Khan New City

The Chashma Right Bank Canal (Lift-cum-Gravity) Project has garnered attention as KP Chief Minister Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur presided over a crucial meeting at KP House in Islamabad. The project, aimed at irrigation and agricultural development, took center stage as authorities from relevant provincial and federal departments convened to discuss its implementation.

Meeting Highlights

– The meeting, attended by officials from both provincial and federal departments, focused on key aspects of the CRBC project.

– Participants unanimously agreed to initiate the tendering process by July to expedite project implementation.

– Emphasis was placed on completing essential prerequisites in a timely manner to facilitate smooth progress.

Project Financing

– The federal government has committed to covering 65 percent of the project cost, while the provincial government will bear the remaining 35 percent.

– Additionally, an allocation of Rs20 billion in the development program for the next fiscal year underscores the project’s significance.

Project Impact and Importance

– Upon completion, the CRBC project is expected to irrigate vast swathes of barren land, spanning approximately 286,000 acres.

– This irrigation expansion is poised to boost agricultural production, create employment opportunities, and contribute to agricultural self-sufficiency.

Chief Minister's Directive

– Chief Minister Gandapur stressed the pivotal role of the CRBC Project in ensuring food security for the province and the nation.

– Expressing dissatisfaction with project delays, he urged swift action to expedite implementation.

– Notably, he directed authorities to engage with Wapda for the transfer of the project to the provincial government’s jurisdiction.

Future Endeavors

– In addition to the CRBC Project, plans were set in motion to initiate another project aimed at irrigating an additional 90,000 acres of land in southern districts.

– The Chief Minister underscored the urgency of timely project commencement to maximize benefits for the populace.


The CRBC Project emerges as a cornerstone of agricultural development and economic progress in KP, with Chief Minister Gandapur’s proactive approach signaling a renewed commitment to expediting vital infrastructure projects. With concerted efforts and effective collaboration between federal and provincial entities, the vision of agricultural self-sufficiency and prosperity in KP draws closer to fruition.

sobat famous in d. i. khan KPK

Exploring Sohbat: A Traditional Delicacy from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Exploring Sohbat: A Traditional Delicacy from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1280 720 D. I. Khan New City

In the heart of the southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, lies a culinary gem deeply rooted in tradition and flavor – Sohbat or Sobat. This traditional food holds a special place in the hearts and palates of locals, offering a taste of cultural heritage with every bite.

What is Sohbat or Sobat?

Sohbat, also known as Sobat, is a hearty and nourishing dish that has been passed down through generations in the southern regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is a simple yet satisfying meal, typically enjoyed during the colder months or as a communal dish during gatherings and celebrations.

Ingredients and Preparation

The preparation of Sohbat involves a handful of basic ingredients, each contributing to its rich and comforting taste. The main components usually include wheat flour, clarified butter (ghee), and water, combined to form a thick and creamy consistency.

sobat Painda

To prepare Sohbat, the wheat flour is first roasted in ghee until it reaches a golden brown hue, releasing a nutty aroma that tantalizes the senses. Next, water is gradually added to the mixture, allowing it to simmer and thicken into a smooth and velvety porridge-like consistency.

Flavor and Texture

What sets Sohbat apart is its unique flavor profile and texture. The roasted wheat flour imparts a distinct nuttiness to the dish, while the ghee adds a rich and buttery undertone. The final result is a creamy and comforting porridge-like dish that warms the soul with every spoonful.

Cultural Significance

Beyond its culinary appeal, Sohbat holds deep cultural significance in the region. It is often enjoyed as a symbol of hospitality and togetherness, bringing families and communities together around the dining table. During festive occasions and social gatherings, Sohbat serves as a centerpiece, fostering camaraderie and kinship among loved ones.

How to Enjoy Sohbat

Sohbat is best enjoyed piping hot, served in generous portions alongside freshly baked bread or naan. It can be garnished with a drizzle of ghee or sprinkling of crushed red pepper for an added kick of flavor. Whether enjoyed as a hearty breakfast, a comforting meal, or a communal dish shared among friends, Sohbat never fails to delight the taste buds and warm the heart.

In Conclusion

Sohbat or Sobat is more than just a traditional dish – it is a culinary masterpiece that embodies the rich heritage and cultural identity of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. With its simple yet wholesome ingredients, comforting flavor, and communal spirit, Sohbat continues to captivate hearts and palates alike, preserving a timeless tradition for generations to come.


Indulge in the warmth and flavor of Sohbat, and experience the true essence of Pakistani cuisine like never before.

DI Khan: A City of Rich History and Potential

DI Khan: A City of Rich History and Potential

DI Khan: A City of Rich History and Potential 1200 630 D. I. Khan New City

Situated to the west of the majestic Indus River, Dera Ismail Khan (DI Khan) boasts a history dating back to the 15th century. Initially founded by a Baloch chief, the old city was tragically swept away by the Indus River in 1823. Following this, Durrani chiefs meticulously planned the new city, which emerged as an important municipality.


Today, DI Khan serves as a crucial transportation hub, featuring a bridge that connects it to Darya Khan. The city is known for its hand-manufactured goods, including lacquered woodwork, glasswork, and intricately crafted lungis.

Economic Development and Opportunities in DI Khan

Located on the western bank of the Indus River in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, DI Khan offers significant economic and business development potential. With its vast agricultural land and rich resource base, the district can attract investment and achieve economic prosperity.

Agricultural Growth

DI Khan’s vast agricultural land supports diverse crop and fruit production, including the renowned Dhakki dates, wheat, sugar cane, and high-quality mangoes. Implementing modern farming techniques and value addition opportunities can further enhance productivity and local economic growth.

Agricultural Growth

Mineral Resources

The district is home to various minerals widely used in industries such as construction. Notable minerals include limestone, laterite, silica, and sandstone. Significant reserves of natural gas, crude oil, and coal are also present, particularly in the DIK East Exploration Block, which offers joint venture opportunities for exploration and production.

DI Khan mineral resources

Oil & Gas Sector Investment

DI Khan presents investment opportunities in the oil and gas sector, particularly in the DIK East Exploration Block. With potential collaborations for geological, geophysical, and engineering studies, the district is a promising site for oil and gas exploration.

Oil & Gas Sector Investment

Handicrafts Industry

DI Khan is known for its unique and captivating handicrafts, including lacquered woodwork, glassware, ivory ware, and traditional clothing. Supporting local artisans through institutions focused on capacity development and design can enhance their craftsmanship and boost economic opportunities.

Handicrafts Industry in dera islamil khan

Recommendations for Unlocking Potential

To maximize DI Khan’s potential and drive economic growth, consider the following recommendations:


Establish Medium-Scale Production Units: Invest in new production units for dates processing, sohan halwa, and mango pickle.

Upgrade Existing Production Units: Enhance existing units’ capacities to contribute to the agro-based industry.

Develop Large-Scale Industries: Explore establishing new large-scale industries like sugar mills to promote significant economic growth.

Commercialization and Modernization: Emphasize commercializing agriculture and processed products to stabilize food chains and create new business opportunities.

Promote Handicrafts: Create institutions for promoting handicrafts, capacity development, and connecting artisans with the broader fashion industry.

Support Mining Industry: Establish a “Mineral City” for potential investors in construction and provide guidance on modern mining techniques and equipment.


DI Khan’s rich history, cultural heritage, and economic potential position the district for growth. By capitalizing on its agricultural, mineral, and handicraft resources, DI Khan can emerge as a thriving hub of business and prosperity.

Pakistan Seeks $3.5 Billion Financing from Saudi Arabia for Diamer-Bhasha Dam

Pakistan Seeks $3.5 Billion Financing from Saudi Arabia for Diamer-Bhasha Dam

Pakistan Seeks $3.5 Billion Financing from Saudi Arabia for Diamer-Bhasha Dam 600 450 D. I. Khan New City

Pakistan has formally reached out to Saudi Arabia for financial assistance amounting to $3.5 billion to support the Diamer-Bhasha Dam project, a critical infrastructure endeavor. Saudi authorities will deliberate on this appeal in consultation with their financial advisors, with a decision expected in approximately 1.5 to 2 months.


Amidst the challenging landscape of 2024, Pakistan secured loans totaling $6.9 billion from various international sources. With the estimated cost of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam project standing at $8 billion, Pakistan aims to secure $4 billion from external funding sources.


In the proposed financing arrangement with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan seeks $2.3 billion as a concessional loan, featuring an interest rate of 2.25 percent and a repayment period of 25 years, with a grace period of 6 years. Additionally, Pakistan requests $1.2 billion as an equity investment in the project, with repayment terms linked to the borrowing costs of the United States government over a 10-year period, currently at 4.45 percent.


The financing structure for the Diamer-Bhasha Dam project entails a significant portion of 30 percent as equity investment, supplemented by 70 percent in the form of loans. This project holds immense significance for Pakistan, representing one of the most substantial dam initiatives in the nation’s history.


flood safety measure

Flood Safety Measures: A Comprehensive Guide

Flood Safety Measures: A Comprehensive Guide 1247 799 D. I. Khan New City

Living in a flood-prone area comes with its own set of challenges, especially during the rainy season when severe downpours are a common occurrence. With the risk of property inundation looming large, being well-prepared with flood safety measures becomes imperative. In this guide,—Pakistan’s smartest property portal—will walk you through essential steps to take before, during, and after a flood to mitigate risks and ensure safety.

Understanding Floods and Their Causes

Floods, characterized by excessive overflow of water, pose a significant threat to life and property. Whether triggered by heavy rainfalls, bursting dams, or storm surges from tropical storms, floods can result in devastating consequences. Understanding why floods occur is crucial to implementing effective safety measures.

Why Preparation Matters

Floods are a common hazard in many regions, particularly in underdeveloped countries lacking proper water storage and disposal systems. Relying solely on geographic location is risky, as floods can develop slowly or strike suddenly with flash floods. Preparation is key to minimizing the impact of floods and safeguarding lives and property.

Tips for Flood Safety During Rainstorms

To navigate through rainstorms and floods safely, it’s essential to be well-prepared. Divided into three sections, this guide provides practical pointers and post-flood survival advice to help you protect yourself and your property.

Before the Flood: Preparing Yourself

Preparation begins long before a flood is predicted. Taking proactive steps such as avoiding flood-prone areas, elevating electrical and gas points, and purchasing flood insurance can significantly mitigate risks. Building barriers and increasing drainage can further enhance your home’s resilience against floods.

During the Flood: Emergency Safety Plan

In the event of an imminent flood, having an emergency safety plan can be a lifesaver. Prepare an emergency pack with essentials, keep electrically powered items charged, and take measures to stop water at the source. Moving valuables to higher floors, turning off gas and electricity, and using emergency lights responsibly are crucial steps to take during a flood.

After the Flood: Recovery Process

Once the floodwaters recede, the recovery process begins. Take precautions such as identifying the source of water entry, listening to authorities’ instructions, and avoiding contact with floodwaters to prevent contamination. Wear protective gear, use dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture, and document flood damage for insurance claims.

By following these flood safety measures and being prepared for any eventuality, you can mitigate risks and ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones in the face of a flood. Remember, proactive preparation is key to effectively handling flood-related emergencies and minimizing their impact.